

/ 28-Apr-2008



PT PERTAMINA (Persero) membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan terbaik perguruan tinggi program S1 dan D3 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk menjadi pekerja di bidang kegiatan usaha Hulu, Pemasaran & Niaga, Hukum dan Keuangan sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :






Sales Representative


S1 Teknik Mesin
S1 Teknik Kimia
S1 Teknik Industri
S1 Ekonomi Manajemen


Asisten Marketing Inteligent dan Statistik


D3 Statistik
D3 Matematika




S1 Teknik Mesin,
S1 Teknik Listrik (Arus Kuat)
S1 Teknik Industri


Adm Support & SDM


S1 Teknik Industri
S1 Sosial
S1 Hukum


Public Relation


S1 Sosial/Hukum


Informasi Teknik


S1 Teknik Informatika
S1 Teknik Elektro




S1 Teknik Mesin
S1 Teknik Industri
S1 K3




S1 Teknik Industri
S1 Ekonomi
S1 Hukum


Asisten Hukum


S1 Hukum


Asisten Keuangan


S1 Akuntansi
S1 Manajemen
S1 Pajak
S1 Administrasi Niaga
S1 Informatika
S1 Teknik Industri
S1 Matematika


  1. Pendidikan terakhir S1 dan D3 (sesuai klasifikasi diatas) dari Akademi/Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi
  2. IPK minimal 3 dari skala 4
  3. Usia maksimal 27 tahun (kelahiran tahun 1981) untuk S1 dan 24 tahun (kelahiran tahun 1984) untuk D3
  4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan dan tulisan


  1. Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
  2. Photocopy Ijazah dan transkrip lengkap nilai akademik yang keduanya telah dilegalisir asli oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
  3. Surat Pernyataan Diri bebas Narkoba diatas materai Rp. 6.000,-.
  4. Form aplikasi yang diisi secara on-line di : www.lptui.com
    (Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses)

    Untuk mengisi form aplikasi lamaran kerja, silahkan klik disini


Recruitment Team
PO BOX 5035
Jakarta 10000


  1. Berkas lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui pos (pengiriman secara langsung tidak dilayani).
  2. Format lamaran ditujukan kepada Vice President Sumber Daya Manusia Direktorat Umum & SDM PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), dan pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran dicantumkan kode sesuai pilihan
  3. Surat lamaran yang dikirim ke PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) sebelum pengumuman ini dianggap tidak pernah ada.
  4. Setiap pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu surat lamaran
  5. Lamaran ditutup pada tanggal 3 Mei 2008 (stempel pos).


  1. Pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti tes hanya yang lolos short listing berdasarkan kandidat terbaik, kelengkapan berkas lamaran serta memenuhi syarat dan pertimbangan lainnya
  2. Test terdiri dari : Bahasa Inggris , Test Kemampuan Umum, Test Kepribadian, Wawancara, Pemeriksaan Kesehatan dan test lainnya sesuai kebutuhan.
  3. Test dilakukan di Jakarta atau ditempat lain yang ditentukan kemudian

Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Dalam proses penerimaan pekerja ini PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun (hati-hati dengan penipuan)

untuk mengisi form lamaran buka di web : http://www.lptui.com/





Golden Opportunity for Talent People

Melalui visi pengelolaan sumber daya manusia “to become a first-class corporation run by first-class people” maka kami menantang para sumber daya potensial untuk bergabung dalam winning team Bosowa Corporation dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

  • • S1 Lulusan Teknik Industri, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Kimia, Ekonomi Akuntansi, Ekonomi Manajemen, dan Psikologi
  • • IPK min 3.00 (diutamakan untuk lulusan tahun 2007 dan 2008)
  • • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • • Computer literate
  • • English Active
  • • Bersedia ditempatkan di Makassar atau Jakarta

Bosowa Corporation ( www.bosowa.co.id ) sudah berdiri sejak 1973 dan saat ini menjadi salah satu korporasi besar di Indonesia yang memiliki 5 group business dengan 30 anak perusahaan tersebar di kota-kota besar indonesia, meliputi : Industri Semen, Industri Rumput Laut, Tambang Marmer, Transportasi Darat dan Laut, Operator Taksi, Cars Sale (seperti Mitsubishi, mercedes, Hyundai, Proton) di Indonesia Timur, Property & Construction, Tol Jakarta dan Makassar, Asuransi, Leasing beserta Bisinis pendukung lainnya.

CV diserahkan langsung paling lambat tanggal 24 April 2008 ke

Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya

Lowongan di L7 Systems

Company Description :
L7 Systems ( www.L7Systems.net ) focuses on products and solutions for Internet-working and Telecommunication Providers, it is founded and HQ*ed in Jakarta , Indonesia . We are growing and expanding and looking several positions. L7 Systems provides you with challenging and rewarding environment in which you are able to grow at personal as well as professional level.

To be considered, please send resume/C.V. to hr@L7Systems.net or l7systems.net@gmail.com . Please be advised that only short-listed candidates will be notified for interviews.

Available Position

  1. Linux/Embedded Software Engineer
  2. Software Engineer
  3. GUI/Web Designer

1. Linux/Embedded Software Engineer
As a Linux Engineer you will share responsibility for engineering and escalation support for production infrastructure. This hands-on role requires in-depth knowledge of implementing solid Linux solutions in a production environment. You will engineer/implement and document solutions for optimum performance, stability, reliability, and security. You should be a highly motivated team player with experience in an enterprise environment where high availability is required.

Job Responsibilities (specific duties):

  • • Experience with Linux build environment, gcc, g++ and device driver development
  • • Hands-on programming experience with C, C++ and Java
  • • Implement and support Linux operating systems/product solutions for optimum performance, stability, reliability, and security in a 24X7 high availability production environment.
  • • Engineer/build/document best practices.
  • • Identify and remediate issues to ensure we meet business needs for failure/problem notification.
  • • Maintain our network infrastructure and outward-facing servers
  • • Perform bench testing of servers and applications and analyze the data for server optimization.
  • • Work in a team environment contributing technical expertise to the designing, building, testing, installation and commissioning of complex systems and solutions.
  • • Plan for future expansion and upgrades to our servers and services.
  • • Serve as a representative of the engineering department and present a professional demeanor.
  • • Establishing Policies, Procedures & Guidelines for Server Infrastructure
  • • Work with Network Engineering and Operations to determine standard supported solution configurations
  • • Level 3 Rotational On-Call Support of the Linux Server environment
  • • Be able to discuss and provide feedback to vendors and engineers regarding test results/issues
  • • Other duties as assigned

Minimum Qualifications (include skills, experience and education):

  • • 2+ years experience in IT field with Linux administration and engineering
  • • Open Source expertise
  • • Communication, administrative and analytical ability
  • • Excellent troubleshooting skills
  • • Hands on Networking in a large complex environment
  • • Advanced knowledge of at least one programming or scripting language (Perl and Python)
  • • Working knowledge of one SQL database system (MySQL or PostgreSQL preferred)
  • • Working knowledge of network routers and switches (Specifically layer 2 networking)
  • • Experience with large server environments
  • • Ability to handle repetitious tasks
  • • Strong Knowledge of Iptables, shells, DHCP, DNS, Radius
  • • Basic Oracle administration experience desirable

2. Software Engineer
We have several openings as S/W Engineers

Job Description:
As S/W Engineer you will be responsible for large S/W components as well as assisting Technical Leader in project schedule, issues and tracking.

To be successful you need to bring the following qualifications:

  • • Min 3 year experience in S/W Industry
  • • Hands-on in OO concepts and principles as well as experience in Java, C++ and Databases
  • • Knowledge and hands-on experience in Internet Protocol, Routers, Wire-less and -line Communication is definitely an asset


  • • S1 or B.Sc. or B.S.E.E in Computer Science or Engineering from reputable Universities – S2 or Master is preferred
  • • Fluency in English (spoken and written)
  • • Great coding skills as well as deep understanding of complex S/W problems
  • • “ Can-do” attitude and a great team player

3. GUI/Web Designer
Successful candidate designs, produces and maintains various websites, and contributes to the overall Web Communications strategy and special projects.

Primary responsibilities

  • • Create design prototypes, including graphic design, site navigation, and layout of content
  • • Ensure that the layout of the content is accessible and logical; recommend improvements if necessary.
  • • Create visual concepts that match the content and the image wanted by clients; ensure that sites are easy to navigate.
  • • Build websites using technologies that conform to international standards and make sure that they are universally accessible.
  • • Perform maintenance and updates to existing websites when requested by clients.
  • • Provide training on maintenance and update procedures to clients who choose to take charge of their own websites.
  • • Contribute to the overall development of the Web Communications group


  • • Bachelor*s degree in communications or other discipline related to the primary responsibilities and two to four years of experience in web design, of which a minimum of one year producing table-less, XHTML, standards-compliant cross browser, and gracefully-degrading code and a minimum of one year experience with DOM scripting and Movable Type.
  • • Experience working in a communications/ public relations environment, particularly in a university setting, highly desirable.
  • • Advanced knowledge of XHTML, CSS, and of digital imaging and illustration with Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXPress and Illustrator with formal training an asset.
  • • Knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, PHP and dynamic HTML; experience with Macromedia Flash.
  • • Knowledge and demonstrated experience with cross-browser and cross-platform issues (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
  • • Very good spoken and written English in order to design prototypes and train staff.
  • • Attention to detail, customer-service orientation, and creativity in problem-solving.
  • • Ability to work in a team and to communicate in a clear way to provide training to staff and faculty.
  • • Formal training in desktop publishing applications, and photography definite assets.
Superior knowledge of current web-design trends and techniques, a strong online portfolio displaying user-centred design, and experience with web database solutions definite assets.




Kami informasikan bahwa perusahaan kami PT Petrokimia Gresik akan membuka kesempatan kerja bagi Sarjana (Sl) ITS Jurusan :

  • • Teknik Mesin
  • • Teknik Kimia
  • • Teknik Fisika
  • • Teknik Sipil
  • • Teknik Informatika

dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :

  1. • Warga Negara Indonesia
  2. • Pria
  3. • Usia maksimum 25 tahun (lahir setelah tanggal 30 Juni 1983)
  4. • Diutamakan memiliki Index Prestasi (IP) kumulatif min. 3,0
  5. • Diutamakan memiliki nilai TOEFL minimal 475
  6. • Berbadan sehat
  7. • Tidak buta warna
  8. • Tidak terikat dinas pada instansi lain

Bagi yang berminat silahkan mengisi Form Aplikasi yang tersedia dan diserahkan langsung ke :

Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya

Penyerahan Form Aplikasi dan berkas lamaran paling lambat
tanggal : 24 April 2008 (pukul : 15.00 WIB)




Pocari soyjoy

Are you the best and ready to get better ?

We are a fast moving multinational company in the consumer goods area. Due to our rapid expansion, we are looking for highly motivated professionals to join us in the following positions:

  • Quality Control Staff (QCS)
    (Sukabumi Factory)

Requirements :

max.25 years old,
Min.S1 graduate in Chemical Analyst/ Chemistry. (GPA>3),
Having knowledge of ISO 9001:2000,HACCP, Stokiometri, good analytical, and
have knowledge of good laboratory practice, excellent communication and creative, English and computer literate.
Leadership skill and SMK3

  • Production Staff (PS)
    (Sukabumi Factory)

Requirements :

max.25 years old,
Min.D3 graduate in Mechanical/ Industrial/Chemical/Food Engineering. (GPA>3),
Having knowledge of ISO 9001:2000 and SMK3.
excellent communication and creative,
English and computer literat

  • Quality Control Supervisor (QCSpv)
    (Sukabumi Factory)

Requirements :

max.33 years old, Min.S1 graduate in Chemical Analyst/ Chemistry. (GPA>3),
Have min 4 years experience as Quality Control Leader in manifacture,
Having knowledge of ISO 9001:2000,HACCP, Stokiometri, good analytical, and
have knowledge of good laboratory practice, excellent communication and creative, English and computer literate.
Leadership skill and SMK3

  • Engineering Supervisor (ESpv)
    (Sukabumi Factory)

Requirements :

max.33 years old, Min.S1 graduate in Mechanical/ Electrical,
Have 4 years experience as engineer in manufacture. (GPA>3),
Having knowledge of ISO 9001:2000 and SMK3.

excellent communication and creative, English and computer literate

  • Production Supervisor (PSpv)
    (Sukabumi Factory)

Requirements :

max.33 years old,
Min. S1 graduate in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering. (GPA>3),
Have experience as Production Leader in manufacture,
Having knowledge of ISO 9001:2000 and SMK3.

excellent communication and creative, English and computer literate

  • Promotion Executive (PE)
    Requirements :

max.28 years old.
S1 graduate from reputable university (min GPA 2.75)
computer literate.
Able to work in a team or independently.
Good interpersonal, communication, and presentation skill,
Have driving license class A (SIM A).and
Willing to be placed in all over Indonesian territory

If your qualifications match with our requirement, Please send complete CV with recent photograph within 10 days ( April, 21-30, 2008 ) and put code of position to :

Sekretariat SAC
Institut Teknologi Surabaya
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya

Only short list candidates will be notified

Lowongan di EPSON





PT. Indonesia EPSON Industry is a printer manufacturing company, located at EJIP Industrial Park, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi. We produce both Dot Matrix and Ink Jet Printers.

To face the near future challenges, we would like to recruit some new staffs/engineers. The candidates will follow 6 (six) months program, including off-the-job and on-the-job training, to learn how printer manufacturing business run. Full compensation, medical insurance, Jamsostek, and other company facilities will be given. For successful candidates will designate to be permanent employee at the end of program . Current vacant position :

  • ENGINEERS (S1/ D4 Mechanical, Electrical/Electronics Engineering)
  • BUILDING & FACILITY STAFF (S1 Industrial/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering )

min. GPA 2.9,
mature and tough, hard worker, team player, good communication/leadership skill,
fluent in English, computer literate

Drop your CV + academic transcript To SAC ITS not later than : April 24, 2008

Preliminary Interview will be held on 28 April 2008 at Hotel Mercure, Jl. Raya Darmo, Surabaya Selected candidates will be invited through SAC

Corporate Audit Officer


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity. Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

PT KALBE FARMA Tbk, a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, is
inviting dynamic, innovative, highly talented and self-driven
professionals to join as :

Corporate Audit Officer
- Perform audit operational and financial
- Prepare audit reports

Qualifications :
- Bachelor of Science or Masteral degree in Accounting
- Minimum GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
- Maximum 28 years old
- Have good communication skills
- An analytical thinker and detail-oriented

Should you meet all the above qualifications, please send your application
not later than April 30, 2008, please give us detailed CV with a recent
photograph and other relevant information to:

HR Corporate
PT Kalbe Farma, Tbk
Jl. Letjen. Suprapto kav. IV
Jakarta Pusat 10510
Email : Recruitment.corp@kalbe.co.id

Batas akhir :30-4-2008

Taruna Akpol, S1/S2, Polri, 1/6

Nama Instansi: Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia

Batas Waktu: 01 Juni 2008

Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan untuk putra-putri terbaik Indonesia menjadi Taruna Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol). Info selengkapnya: http://www.its.ac.id/pengumuman/Kampanye%20AKPOL.jpg


Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran Peluang kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru):

Berlaku : 1 April 2008 - 15 Juni 2008 (2.5 Bulan)

Jurusan Sistem Informasi Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya adalah Jurusan yang berada di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka di Indonesia Timur dengan mahasiswa lebih dari 15.000 orang, membuka lowongan seluas-luasnya bagi putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk mengabdi di bidang pendidikan tinggi sebagai tenaga pengajar (dosen) honorer FULL TIME.

a. Lulus dari S1 dari Sistem Informasi/Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Informatika/Ilmu komputer, Teknologi Informasi
b. Lulus S1 dari perguruan tinggi ternama dalam negeri(berakreditasi A) atau luar negeri
c. IPK >= 3
d. TOEFL Score >=500 (institutional Toefl is welcome)
e. Berdedikasi dan berkomitmen tinggi terhadap dunia pendidikan
f. Jika masih memegang ijazah S1, bersedia melanjutkan studi S2 di bidang Sistem Informasi,
g. Lebih disukai sudah atau sedang melanjutkan S2.
h. Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman kerja.
i. Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikasi internasional (CISA, PMP, SCJP, MCP, OCP, dsb).

Surat Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke :

Yth. Ketua Jurusan Sistem Informasi
d.a Bagian Tata Usaha Jurusan Sistem Informasi
Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTIF) Lt 2
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya Kodepos 60111

dengan dilampiri:
a. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
b. Copy Ijazah
c. Copy Transkrip Akademik
d. Sertifikasi TOEFL
e. Foto 4×6 (1 Lembar)

Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil.


Anda adalah pengunjung ke :