Tahun 2008 - Jenjang D3 & S1







PT. Krakatau Steel & Group mengundang Putra / Putri terbaik bangsa

untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan karir di PT. Krakatau Steel & Group.

Dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

A. Persyaratan Administratif

1. WNI

a). Pendidikan Strata-I (S-1) dalam dan luar negeri

dari fakultas/ jurusan / program studi :

b). Pendidikan Diploma 3 (D-3) dari fakultas / jurusan / program studi:

c. Keterangan :

c-1. Jenis Kelamin :

L = Posisi Untuk Pelamar Laki-laki

P = Posisi Untuk Pelamar Perempuan

L/P = Posisi Untuk Pelamar Laki-laki & Perempuan

2. c-2. Lokasi Seleksi :

- BDG = Bandung, - SUB = Surabaya

- CLG = Cilegon, - MKS = Makassar

- YK = Yogyakarta, - PLG = Palembang

3. IPK minimal 2,7 (skala 4) atau padanannya yang menerapkan pola

penilaian yang berbeda, lulus ujian negara bagi lulusan Perguruan

Tinggi Swasta (PTS).

4. Usia pada tanggal 1 Juni 2008 maksimum 28 tahun untuk S-1,

dan 25 tahun untuk D-3.

5. Tidak sedang terikat ikatan dinas dengan institusi lain.

6. Bersedia ditempatkan di semua lokasi kerja PT. Krakatau Steel

& Group.

B. Pengiriman Lamaran

1. Surat lamaran dibuat dan ditanda tangani oleh peserta dengan

melampirkan :

1- Data riwayat hidup, harus menggunakan format seperti contoh (klik disini)

2.Foto Copy Ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus yang sudah dilegalisir oleh
Perguruan Tinggi-nya.
- Foto Copy Transkip Nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh Perguruan
- Foto Copy KTP yang masih berlaku.
- Pas Foto berwarna terbaru 4 X 6 sebanyak 1 lembar dan 2 X 3 sebanyak
1 lembar.
- Foto Copy Kartu Disnaker.
- Foto Copy Surat Keterangan belum menikah.
- Khusus untuk Psikologi, lebih diutamakan Profesi Psikologi.
2. Pada sudut kiri amplop lamaran, cantumkan KODE DISIPLIN ILMU (lihat
butir A-2a atau A-2b) dan KODE KOTA pelaksanaan seleksi yang dipilih
(lihat butir A-2 dan C-2)Contoh : STMT/CLG = Peserta Seleksi Program S1
Jurusan Metalurgi, tempat seleksi Cilegon
DEM/BDG = Peserta seleksi Program D3 jurusan Ekonomi Manajemen, tempat
Seleksi Bandung
3. Lamaran disampaikan dalam amplop coklat ukuran A4 melalui POS
selambat-selambatnya tanggal 24 Mei 2008 (Cap Pos), kepada :
- PO BOX 7613 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Bandung
- PO BOX 7614 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Cilegon
- PO BOX 7619 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Yogyakarta
- PO BOX 7621 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Surabaya
- PO BOX 7631 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Palembang
- PO BOX 7663 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Makassar
C. Pelaksanaan Seleksi
1.1. Proses / tahapan seleksi terdiri dari :
a)Seleksi : Administratif (ADM)
b)Seleksi : Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA)
c)Seleksi : Tes Bahasa Inggris (ING)
d)Seleksi : Tes Psikologi (PSI)
e)Seleksi : Job Test & Wawancara (JT)
f)Seleksi : Tes Kesehatan (MED)
2.2. Waktu pelaksanaan tes (TPA - JT) sesuai yang tercantum dalam
surat panggilan,yaitu :
a)Bandung (BDG),dari tanggal 05 Juni - 08 Juni 2008
b)Cilegon (CLG),dari tanggal 08 Juni - 11 Juni 2008
c)Yogyakarta (YK),dari tanggal 16 Juni - 19 Juni 2008
d)Surabaya (SUB),dari tanggal 19 Juni - 22 Juni 2008
e)Makassar (MKS),dari tanggal 26 Juni - 29 Juni 2008
f)Palembang (PLG),dari tanggal 26 Juni - 29 Juni 2008
4.3.Peserta hanya diperkenankan memilih SATU KOTA sebagai tempat
untuk mengikuti seleksi
4.Biaya dari dan ke tempat lokasi seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab

D. Ketentuan Lain
1. Lamaran yang yang sudah dikirim tidak dikembalikan.
2. Dalam proses seleksi ini pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
3. Yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi, hanya pelamar yang
memenuhi persyaratan administratif butir A dan B, serta sesuai
4. Pengumuman & Pemanggilan peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan &
akan diikutsertakan proses seleksi, dilakukan melalui Pos dan
atau dapat diakses di website:
5. Setiap mengikuti proses seleksi, peserta wajib membawa surat
panggilan yang ditanda-tangani panitia.
6. Setiap tahapan seleksi berlaku sistem gugur dan akan di umumkan
pada sore harinya dan keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu-gugat.
7. Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan,
dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
8. Lamaran yang pernah dikirim ke PT. Krakatau Ste
el & Group dinyatakan
tidak berlaku.

Lowongan Dosen Honorer ITS

Nama Instansi: Program Studi Sistem Informasi ITS

Batas Waktu: 15 Juni 2008


Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran
Peluang kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru):

Berlaku : 1 April 2008 - 15 Juni 2008 (2.5 Bulan)

Jurusan Sistem Informasi Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
adalah Jurusan yang berada di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri ter
kemuka di Indonesia Timur dengan mahasiswa lebih dari 15.000 orang,
membuka lowongan seluas-luasnya bagi putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk
mengabdi di bidang pendidi
kan tinggi sebagai tenaga pengajar (dosen) honorer FULL TIME.

a. Lulus dari S1 dari Sistem Informasi/Manajemen Informatika, Teknik
Informatika/Ilmu komputer, Teknologi Informasi
b. Lulus S1 dari perguruan tinggi ternama dalam negeri(berakreditasi A)
atau luar negeri
c. IPK >= 3
d. TOEFL Score >=500 (institutional Toefl is welcome)
e. Berdedikasi dan berkomitmen tinggi terhadap dunia pendidikan
f. Jika masih memegang ijazah S1, bersedia melanjutkan studi S2 di bidang
Sistem Informasi,
g. Lebih disukai sudah atau sedang melanjutkan S2.
h. Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman kerja.
i. Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikasi internasional (CISA, PMP, SCJP, MCP,
OCP, dsb).

Surat Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke :

Yth. Ketua Jurusan Sistem Informasi
d.a Bagian Tata Usaha Jurusan Sistem Informasi
Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTIF) Lt 2
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya Kodepos 60111

dengan dilampiri:
a. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
b. Copy Ijazah
c. Copy Transkrip Akademik
d. Sertifikasi TOEFL
e. Foto 4×6 (1 Lembar)

Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil.


PT SANYO membutuhkan segera :

  1. Salesman (SM)
  2. Finance Staff (FN)
  3. Promotion Staff (PR)
  4. Sales & Marketing Digital Camere (SMD)
  5. Product Engineer AC Commercial (PAC)
  6. Sale Supervisor AC Commercial (SAC)
  7. Sales Commercial Refrigeration (SCR)
  8. Driver & Helper (DV & HP)

Syarat - syarat :

  • Pria, usia max. 30 thn (SM, PAC, SAC, SCR, PR, SMD), max. 25 thn (DV & HP).
  • Wanita, usia max. 26 thn (FN).
  • Pendidikan S1 (SM, PAC, SAC, SCR, FN, PR), SLTA dan SIM B, A (DV & HP).
  • Pengalaman kerja min. 2 thn dibidangnya, mengerti grafik desain. (PR).
  • Memiliki hubungan baik dengan project konsultan (PAC, SAC).
  • Memiliki hubungan baik dengan hotel, restoran, dan produsen frozen (SCR).

Lamaran paling lambat diterima tanggal 18 Maret 2008, cantumkan kode lamaran di kanan atas amplop ke :


PT. SANYO Sales Indonesia

Jl. Danau Sunter Barat Blok A III No. 38 - 39, Sunter - Jakarta 14350



touch lives every day · At Philips, we believe that technology should be advanced but simple at the same time. It should make sense and be designed around the way we live and work. Whether we*re creating a comfortable environment through sophisticated lighting and entertainment solution, giving a mother a first glimpse of her unborn child or the baby monitor that keeps children safe at night, we touch people*s lives all over the world through Philips products. So, this is a chance for you to be part of that experience and join the WINNING team.

Management Trainee - Business Analyst
Code : MTBA (5 positions) • Lighting • Java & Outer Java

Responsible as Business Analyst function to analyze work-flow of business process related with Trade Retail Business Balance Score Card; Analyzing territories business performances & using the result to support Distributor Manager (DM) to increase selling out result; Support to Regional Sales Manager through analyzing & reporting effectiveness marketing program; Providing and Giving ERP Distributor Management System training to Best Partner team (traveling required); Validating & consolidating JBS on time and consolidating & following up with DM on previous action plan; Preparing Region presentation in monthly basis for each territory & region; Consolidating & reporting Depo or Sub distributor performances; Preparing and consolidating Best Partner team Training Memo.

Fresh graduates with financial or business bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years of commercial working experience will also be considered favorably. The successful candidates will possess good personality and honesty, dynamic, good leadership and ability to perform under pressure. He is a self starter, mature and a strong communicator.

Officer - Order Desk Ligthing Commercial
Code : OODL (1 position) • Lighting • Jakarta

Responsible to 0rder monitoring; process control and coordination with customer; Sales order reporting & Analyses ; Communication with Customer Communication and Improvement Projects activities projects to further enhance customer value and business process performance, for example: Customer Service Level Improvement, Order Processing Time Reduction, Delivery Improvement, etc.

Fresh graduates with Engineering Industrial bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years experiences in handling customer order activities of FMCG with strong commercial & industrial background will also be considered favorably. Good Knowledge in Supply Chain Management, Good computer literate & familiar with SAP, Good communicator, Good interpersonal skills / able to influence others, Dynamic and mature personality.

Officer – Distribution Planner Ligthing Commercial
Code : ODPLC (1 position) • Lighting • Jakarta

Responsible to performed the arrangement of physical distribution of finished goods and marketing communication materials from Philips Warehouse to customer site; Develop and managing monthly & weekly distribution planning with refer medium term planning (MTP) to ensure the most efficient distribution operations and meet customer expectation; Establish collaborative monthly & weekly distribution planning with transporter; To close monitoring the status of goods in transit (GIT) to ensure the arrival of goods at customer site according to agreed ETA and to have the pre-alert for all the discrepancies in the shipment

Fresh graduates with Engineering Industrial bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years experiences in Distribution Planner of FMCG with strong commercial & industrial background will also be considered favorably. Good Knowledge in Supply Chain Management, familiar with SAP, Good communicator, Good interpersonal skills / able to influence others, Dynamic and mature personality

Officer - Quality & Customer Support
Code : OQCS (1 position) • Lighting • Jakarta

Responsible to handling technical complaint from professional channel as well as consumer channel; Conduct on site complaint verification of product failure and customer visit if necessary including detail analysis ; Control disposal process inline with company policy; Manage by using entering, monitoring, reporting and following up Complaint Registration System processes.

Bachelor degree in Industrial or electrical engineering, min 2 years has working experience in handling customer support with strong data analysis and has capabilities in problem solving technique and experience in Business Process Improvement Program (Six Sigma/TQM) project implementation an added advantage, Have good knowledge in ISO 9001;2000, has good personality and interpersonal skill, good of English language, has good coordination capability, the incumbent has to have strong drive, positive attitude & assertive, Self learning capabilities and willing to travel.

Customer Support Engineer
Code : CSE (1 position) • Philips Healthcare • Jakarta

Responsible to deliver a professional service to the customer regarding installation planning, product installation, product maintenance, un-installation and repair of equipment to ensure that all assigned projects are carried out as per customer*s quality requirements, within allotted time frames, and in a safe manner.

Bachelor degree in electronics or physic engineering, min 3 years has working experience in technical field and project implementation and experiences handle Medical equipment would be an added advantage, has good personality and interpersonal skill, has an acceptable level of English language, has good coordination capability, the incumbent has to have strong drive, positive attitude, is assertive and well motivated.

Management Trainee
Code : MT (4 positions) • Lighting • Surabaya

Responsible to analyze and improve work-flow, lay out, working methods, and ergonomic aspects, develop cost effectiveness for overall manufacturing activities, determine optimum resources required for manufacturing activities. Establish and develop technical data collection and monitoring system Collate and analyze data with respect to factory efficiency, perform special projects and feasibility study where and whenever necessary, ensuring all activities are carried out in accordance to environment, safety and health policy and supervise all the implementation of authorized policies, rules, regulations and safety & health standards

Fresh graduates with Engineering bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years of industrial working experience will also be considered favorably. The successful candidates will possess good personality and honesty, dynamic, able to influence others, good leadership, and ability to perform under pressure.

Please visit in “Philips Campus Recruitment”, Ambition Room SAC ITS 2nd floor,
June 5~6, 2008

and apply on Philips Career Center

Not later than May 30, 2008

(Attached your recent photograph and We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified)




PT. Meratus Line adalah perusahaan pelayaran nasional terdepan di Indonesia (perinngkat 75 di dunia*) dengan 15 kantor cabang dan perwakilan yang tersebar di Surabaya, Jakarta, Medan, Makassar, Bali (Benoa), Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Sampit, Kumai, Palu (Pantoloan), Kendari, Kupang, Benete (NTB), Padang, Bintuni, dll.

Kami mencari kandidat-kandidat potensial untuk dikembangkan dan untuk posisi :


  • • Min lulusan D3 / Politeknik Perkapalan dengan IPK min 2.75 (skala 4)
  • • Laki-laki, usia 23-30 tahun
  • • Dapat berbahasa Inggris (min. pasif)
  • • Menguasai program komputer (min. MS Office)
  • • Diutamakan pernah punya pengalaman di bengkel Alat-alat Berat / Kapal
  • • Tidak takut ketinggian
  • • Memiliki stamina yang kuat / tidak mudah sakit-sakitan
  • • Memiliki daya tahan terhadap stress
  • • Siap bekerja di bawah tekanan / deadline
  • • Siap bekerja di luar jam kantor (jika diperlukan)

Kirimkan Lamaran lengkap beserta Pas Foto terbaru ke :

Jl. Aloon-aloon Priok No. 27, Surabaya 60177


E-mail :

*) berdasarkan BRS Alphaliner Survey, Feb 2006





No. 560/310 Pentaker



PT. Pertamina ( Persero ) Unit Pengolahan VI membutuhkan
sebanyak 60 ( enam puluh ) orang lulusan Diploma III untuk bekerja

sebagai Operator Kilang dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :





1. Jenis kelamin



2. Status

Lajang / Menikah

Lajang / Menikah

3. Pendidikan

D-III Teknik Kimia/T. Listrik / T.Mesin / T.Instrumentasi, T.Lingkungan dengan latar belakang SMU IPA, SMK/STM Listrik , Kimia, Mesin, Instrument.

D-III Teknik Kimia /T.Listrik / T.Mesin /T. Instrument /T. Lingkungan dengan latar belakang SMU IPA, SMK/STM Listrik, Kimia, Mesin, Instrument.

4. I P K minimum



5. Umur
(per 1 Desember 2008)

Maksimum 24 tahun

Maksimum 32 tahun

6. Kesehatan

Berbadan sehat, Bebas Narkoba, tidak buta warna.

Berbadan sehat, Bebas Narkoba, tidak buta warna.

7. Tinggi Badan

Min 160 cm, Berat Badan proporsional

Min 160 cm, Berat Badan proporsional.

8. Pengalaman

Tidak dipersyaratkan

Min. 3 tahun dan masih aktif bekerja di Unit Pengolahan VI

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut diatas, dapat mengajukan Surat

Lamaran dengan melampirkan dokumen sbb :

  1. • Copy KTP Jawa atau Bali yang masih berlaku.
  2. • Copy ijazah D-III & SMU / SMK/ STM yang telah dilegalisir.
  3. • Copy transkrip nilai ijazah D-III yang telah dilegalisir
  4. • Daftar Riwayat Hidup Singkat
  5. • Copy akte kelahiran / Surat kenal lahir dari instansi berwenang.
  6. • Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian setempat yang masih berlaku.
  7. • Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba di atas materai Rp. 6.000,-
  8. • Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning) yang masih berlaku.
  9. • 3 (tiga) lembar pas photo terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 ( berwarna ).
  10. • Copy Surat Pengalaman Kerja & ID Card bagi Mitra Kerja Pertamina
  11. • Alamat lengkap untuk surat panggilan ( alamat terakhir, kode pos & No. HP / Telepon yang dapat dihubungi).
  12. • Lamaran memakai Stopmap warna MERAH untuk Fresh Intake dan Stopmap KUNING untuk Mitra Kerja Pertamina dikirim ke Student Advisory Center (SAC) ITS Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya
  13. • Hanya lamaran yang lengkap dan selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal 31 Mei 2008 ( cap pos ) yang akan diproses.


  1. • Lamaran yang disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini tidak akan diproses , dan surat lamaran yang telah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan.
  2. • Proses Seleksi Penerimaan Opr Kilang BPAT PT. Pertamina ( Persero ) UP VI tahun 2008/2009 tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
  3. • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes.
  4. • Setiap Pengumuman Lulus tahapan Seleksi , akan diumumkan di Kantor Dinsosnaker se Jawa & Bali & Surat Panggilan dengan kilat khusus kepada ybs.
  5. • Bagi yang Lulus Seleksi Administrasi akan dilanjutkan dengan Pemeriksaan Dokumen asli, pengukuran Tinggi Badan, Berat Badan dan Buta warna.


  1. • Keputusan Panitia Rekrutasi bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat serta tidak menerima korespondensi dalam bentuk apapun.
  2. • Transport & Akomodasi pelamar selama mengikuti Seleksi Penerimaan Operator Kilang BPAT PT. Pertamina ( Persero ) UP VI ditanggung peserta / sendiri.





PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe , A Mild , and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International , one of the world*s largest tobacco companies.

We are looking for talented people with a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business as :

(Marketing, Sales & Operations)

A development program to enable managerial and professional personnel to achieve required standards or performances for competencies associated with jobs in cigarette business for a year.


  • • Fresh Graduates earning Bachelor Degree (S1) max 2 years ago or will be graduated this year with min GPA 3.00 or Master Degree (S2) with min GPA 3.3 from any educational background. Overseas educational background must have min score of “Highly Distinction” ;
  • • Strong analytical thinking, achievement orientations, integrity and team player ;
  • • Having good level of English proficiency both spoken and written;
  • • Willing to be relocated in any major cities in Indonesia ;
  • • Have not joined the written test for this position within 1 year starting from the date of the last test taken.

How to Apply?

Please come to our Selection Day:

Day/Date : Saturday / 17 May 2008
Registration Time : 11.00 – 12.00 a.m
Venue : Auditorium Gedung Fakultas Sastra Lt.2, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan, Surabaya

By bringing your copy of transcript, original identity card (KTP), stationery, and clipboard.

The written test will be held on the same day.




PT. Mitrais, Indonesia*s leading Software Development invites all IT related graduates into Mitrais Recruitment Roadshow in Surabaya on 24 th May 2008.

Please check details information below or visit our careers page website at

Surabaya – Hotel Santika

Jl. Pandegiling Raya No. 45 Surabaya - Bromo Meeting Room

Phone : +62-31-5667707

Saturday, 24 th May 2008







Company Presentation & Written Test



Sunday, 25 th May 2008




Interview for successful candidates only



Submit your application online to

The short listed candidates will be invited to attend the Road Show.

Please bring your comprehensive resume, recent photographs, academic transcript, certificates and a copy of your ID card on the day of the road show.

Our next induction program starts on 30 th June 2008.

Airfares to Bali and assistance with accommodation is provided.





touch lives every day · At Philips, we believe that technology should be advanced but simple at the same time. It should make sense and be designed around the way we live and work. Whether we*re creating a comfortable environment through sophisticated lighting and entertainment solution, giving a mother a first glimpse of her unborn child or the baby monitor that keeps children safe at night, we touch people*s lives all over the world through Philips products. So, this is a chance for you to be part of that experience and join the WINNING team.

Management Trainee - Business Analyst (5 positions) • Lighting • Java & Outer Java
Responsible as Business Analyst function to analyze work-flow of business process related with Trade Retail Business Balance Score Card; Analyzing territories business performances & using the result to support Distributor Manager (DM) to increase selling out result; Support to Regional Sales Manager through analyzing & reporting effectiveness marketing program; Providing and Giving ERP Distributor Management System training to Best Partner team (traveling required); Validating & consolidating JBS on time and consolidating & following up with DM on previous action plan; Preparing Region presentation in monthly basis for each territory & region; Consolidating & reporting Depo or Sub distributor performances; Preparing and consolidating Best Partner team Training Memo.

Fresh graduates with financial or business bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years of commercial working experience will also be considered favorably. The successful candidates will possess good personality and honesty, dynamic, good leadership and ability to perform under pressure. He is a self starter, mature and a strong communicator.

Officer - Order Desk Ligthing Commercial (1 position) • Lighting • Jakarta

Responsible to 0rder monitoring; process control and coordination with customer; Sales order reporting & Analyses ; Communication with Customer Communication and Improvement Projects activities projects to further enhance customer value and business process performance, for example: Customer Service Level Improvement, Order Processing Time Reduction, Delivery Improvement, etc.

Fresh graduates with Engineering Industrial bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years experiences in handling customer order activities of FMCG with strong commercial & industrial background will also be considered favorably. Good Knowledge in Supply Chain Management, Good computer literate & familiar with SAP, Good communicator, Good interpersonal skills / able to influence others, Dynamic and mature personality.

Officer – Distribution Planner Ligthing Commercial (1 position) • Lighting • Jakarta
Responsible to performed the arrangement of physical distribution of finished goods and marketing communication materials from Philips Warehouse to customer site; Develop and managing monthly & weekly distribution planning with refer medium term planning (MTP) to ensure the most efficient distribution operations and meet customer expectation; Establish collaborative monthly & weekly distribution planning with transporter; To close monitoring the status of goods in transit (GIT) to ensure the arrival of goods at customer site according to agreed ETA and to have the pre-alert for all the discrepancies in the shipment

Fresh graduates with Engineering Industrial bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years experiences in Distribution Planner of FMCG with strong commercial & industrial background will also be considered favorably. Good Knowledge in Supply Chain Management, familiar with SAP, Good communicator, Good interpersonal skills / able to influence others, Dynamic and mature personality

Officer - Quality & Customer Support (1 position) • Lighting • Jakarta
Responsible to handling technical complaint from professional channel as well as consumer channel; Conduct on site complaint verification of product failure and customer visit if necessary including detail analysis ; Control disposal process inline with company policy; Manage by using entering, monitoring, reporting and following up Complaint Registration System processes.

Bachelor degree in Industrial or electrical engineering, min 2 years has working experience in handling customer support with strong data analysis and has capabilities in problem solving technique and experience in Business Process Improvement Program (Six Sigma/TQM) project implementation an added advantage, Have good knowledge in ISO 9001;2000, has good personality and interpersonal skill, good of English language, has good coordination capability, the incumbent has to have strong drive, positive attitude & assertive, Self learning capabilities and willing to travel.

Customer Support Engineer (1 position) • Philips Healthcare • Jakarta
Responsible to deliver a professional service to the customer regarding installation planning, product installation, product maintenance, un-installation and repair of equipment to ensure that all assigned projects are carried out as per customer*s quality requirements, within allotted time frames, and in a safe manner.

Bachelor degree in electronics or physic engineering, min 3 years has working experience in technical field and project implementation and experiences handle Medical equipment would be an added advantage, has good personality and interpersonal skill, has an acceptable level of English language, has good coordination capability, the incumbent has to have strong drive, positive attitude, is assertive and well motivated.

Management Trainee (4 positions) • Lighting • Surabaya

Responsible to analyze and improve work-flow, lay out, working methods, and ergonomic aspects, develop cost effectiveness for overall manufacturing activities, determine optimum resources required for manufacturing activities. Establish and develop technical data collection and monitoring system Collate and analyze data with respect to factory efficiency, perform special projects and feasibility study where and whenever necessary, ensuring all activities are carried out in accordance to environment, safety and health policy and supervise all the implementation of authorized policies, rules, regulations and safety & health standards

Fresh graduates with Engineering bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years of industrial working experience will also be considered favorably. The successful candidates will possess good personality and honesty, dynamic, able to influence others, good leadership, and ability to perform under pressure.

Please visit in “Philips Campus Recruitment”, Ambition Room SAC ITS 2nd floor,
June 5~6, 2008 and apply on Philips Career Center at

(Attached your recent photograph and We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified)




Engineering / Purchasing / R&D / QC

PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia (SEIN)
Jl. Jababeka Raya Blok F 29-33 Cikarang, Bekasi 17530 , Indonesia

Register to : SAC ITS
Schedule: Written test ( Jun 19, 2008 ) , Interview (Jun 20, 2008 )
- Only qualified candidates will be notified to attend written test.
- Please bring your resume (photo attached) during written test


  • • Male & Female
  • Diploma & Bachelor Degree, Master Degree
  • • Min GPA > 2.80 (Diploma & Bachelor), > 3.20 (Master)
  • Majoring: Computer Science, Electronics, Mechanical, Informatics, Physics, Industrial
  • • Fresh graduates are welcome
  • • Excellent English, Computer Literate
  • • Good interpersonal skills, dynamic and high energy level
  • • Willing to be placed in Cikarang

Written test will be held:

Day/Date: Thursday / Jun 19 2008
Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Gedung SAC-ITS Lantai 2 Ruang Ambition

Test Material:

• Global Samsung Aptitude Test -- 60 mnt
• English Test (TOEIC) -- 120 mnt



BPNU Al Masyithoh Ambulu Jember membutuhkan 2 orang dokter umum untuk menjadi dokter fungsional. Syarat-syaratnya sebagai berikut :

  1. Dokter Umum lulusan Universtas Negeri / Swasta ( dengan menunjukkan ijasah/ Surat Keterangan LULUS)
  2. Domisili di Ambulu dan sekitarnya
  3. Atau bersedia berdomisili di Ambulu

Bagi yang berminat harap mengirimkan lamaran ke :

a/n Bp. Abd. Choliq Chidlir

Sekretariat NU Cab. Ambulu Jember

Perumahan Renes Permai No 4 Ambulu

JEMBER 68172

Telp. 0336-881240

HP. 081-358-11011


Mandala is one of Indonesia Best Known Airlines and is expanding with a modern fleet to be a leading Airline in Indonesia.

With a New Experienced Airlines Management Team, 25 Aircrafts New Airbus on order to modernize our fleet, a “New Brand” supporting Mandala as a Reliable and Safe Airline, we are looking for a Young Dynamic Person with Media Experience to lead our Corporate Communication and PR Department, as a :


With qualifications :
- Male/female max. 40 years old
- Bachelor’s degree with min GPA.3 from reputable university.
- A Degree in Accounting
- Familiar with Indonesian tax regulation
- Strong team leadership, excellent interpersonal skill
- Ms. office application, internet & email ( all )
- Hard worker, able to work & under perssure.
- Fluent to speak & write english
Please send your CV to :
Email :

Lowongan Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS di Indonesia

Lowongan di Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional

posisi :
Deputi Bidang Program
Koordinator Wilayah
Koordinator Kelembagaan
Koordinator Website dan Pusat Informasi AIDS Nasional
Resource Mobilization

info lengkap persyaratannya, silakan buka di

Lowongan TKHI

Pendaftaran Petugas Kesehatan Haji Indonesia
11 Apr 2008

1. Warga Negara Indonesia beragama Islam berstatus PNS, TNI, POLRI, PTT maupun Pegawai Instansi Swasta.
2. Berbadan sehat, baik fisik maupun mental. Bagi calon petugas kesehatan wanita tidak dalam keadaan hamil pada saat bertugas dan mempunyai izin dari suami (formulir 2).

3. Berusia maksimum 50 tahun.
4. Mempunyai pendidikan atau keahlian yang sesuai dengan bidang tugasnya yang dinyatakan dengan ijazah yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung.
5. Diutamakan bagi dokter dengan sertifikat ACLS dan bagi perawat dengan sertifikat BCLS yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung.
6. Bagi dokter, mempunyai Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR) dan Surat Izin Praktek (SIP) yang berlaku.
7. Mengajukan permohonan sebagai PPIH atau TKHI (pilih salah satu) dengan menggunakan formulir 1, diketahui/disetujui oleh pejabat/atasan langsung.
8. Bagi petugas pria tidak membawa atau memahrami isteri, anak kandung, anak angkat atau wanita lain dan bagi petugas wanita tidak disertai oleh suami, anak kandung dan anak angkat, baik sebagai petugas maupun sebagai jemaah pada musim haji yang bersamaan.
9. Diutamakan bagi mereka yang dalam 5 tahun terakhir tidak bertugas sebagai petugas kesehatan haji.

Kelengkapan dokumen yang harus disampaikan pada saat mengajukan permohonan :

1. Surat pengantar dari Instansi;
2. Surat permohonan (Isian formulir 1);
3. Surat keterangan sehat dari Puskesmas atau Rumah Sakit Pemerintah;
4. Fotokopi ijazah yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung;
5. Fotokopi sertifikat ACLS atau BCLS yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung;
6. Fotokopi STR dan SIP yang berlaku;
7. Foto kopi SK terakhir yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung bagi PNS dan PTT.
8. Surat keterangan mempunyai prestasi kerja dan disiplin yang baik dari atasan langsung bagi pegawai swasta;
9. Surat izin dari suami bagi calon wanita (isian formulir 2).

Berkas dikirim ke Sekretariat Panjatap TKHI Departemen Kesehatan RI Jl. H.R.Rasuna Said Blok X.5 Kapling No. 4-9 Ruang 505 Jakarta 12950 atau PO BOX 4086 JKTM 12700 dan sudah diterima selambat - lambatnya tanggal 14 Mei 2008.

Penting : Hanya pelamar yang mengisi formulir secara jelas, benar dan lengkap serta memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.

info lebih lanjut buka


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